Professor Stavros Kiliaridis

We have the privilege to announce that from October 1, 2021 Professor Kiliaridis will join the Cabinet du Lac team.


Professor Kiliaridis has been since 2001 the Head of the Department of Orthodontics at the University of Geneva. He has trained several generations of Genevan orthodontists and his career has earned him international renown.

With this collaboration we will be able to guarantee to all our adult and child patients the highest standards of treatment in this field.



Prof. Dr. Stavros Kiliaridis

Dr Kiliaridis was Professor and Chairman of the Department of Orthodontics, at University of Geneva during the period 1999-2021, and is actually Professor Emeritus Since 2021 he is  adjunct Professor at the University of Bern and continues his private activity in Geneva at the Cabinet du Lac SA. He graduated from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, and received his PhD from Göteborg University, Sweden, where he also completed his specialist education in Orthodontics.

Dr Kiliaridis has authored or co-authored over 230 research papers and several book-chapters. He has been speaker at numerous orthodontic congresses and lectured in many universities worldwide. He was coordinator (2006-2015) of the European Orthodontic Teachers Forum, and president (2017-2019) of the Network for Erasmus Based European Orthodontic Programmes (NEBEOP). He was recipient of the European Orthodontic Society Essay Award,1988 and was honoured as Alton Moore Annual Memorial Lecturer, University of Washington, 2002, and Sheldon Friel Lecture laureate, European Orthodontic Society, 2015.

He has more than 30 years clinical experience in orthodontics either in own private practice or in University environment. He is member of Angle Society of Europe.



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    Prochaines dates d'ouverture les Samedis:      27 Juillet,     10 Aout,    21 Septembre.